Blink Again

Blink Again

Yuiha Yamaguchi

12 - 26 October

Press release >

Blink Again

Yuiha Yamaguchi

12 – 26 October 2024

Mon. to Sat. 11 am – 7 pm

Gallery Hayashi

6 – 8pm 12th October


GALLERY HAYASHI + ART BRIDGE is pleased to announce Blink Again, a solo exhibition by Japanese artist Yuiha Yamaguchi. The exhibition will open 12 October and continue through 26 October 2024.

Yamaguchi paints Japanese landscapes without any specific meaning or message. Yamaguchi says that the important point in painting is to repeat strokes while thinking through each move, and that the motifs on the screen are merely a starting point for the painting. Her work begins with drawings. She draws fleeting scenes that flow from the windows of cars and buses as they travel. She then uses the drawings as a basis for colour layers, tracing her memories of that moment.
This exhibition focuses on how Yamaguchi, who places great importance on process, completes her paintings. Yamaguchi, who decides on the moment when a painting is completed by the inevitable and the inevitable contingency, seeks a last-minute balance in the painting space. At first glance, it may appear as if Yamaguchi simply paints, but viewers can relive Yamaguchi’s thoughts as an artist, the elements and processes he seeks in his paintings, and the ‘events within the painting space’, so to speak.



A house among the trees,  2024, Oil on canvas, W909 × H727mm


A car that avoided something, 2024, Oil on canvas,  W1620 × H1303mm

Trees, a building and  trees, 2024, Oil on canvas,  W803 × H1000mm



Installation View
Photo by Sora Okubo