Everyday Life glows faintly

Everyday Life glows faintly

Press release >

GALLERY HAYASHI + ART BRIDGE is pleased to present Everyday Life glows faintly, a solo exhibition by Masami Yamamoto.


Two years ago in spring, I had to stay at home with my small child because I could not go out due to the self-restraint imposed by the state of emergency declaration. It was as if our connection to the outside world had been severed.

This work, “Everyday Life glows faintly” was modeled after my family’s laundry, which is the worn, washed and folded clothes of my family. Household chores related to food, clothing, and shelter are fundamental human activities to sustain life. Facing the routine of daily housework gives rhythm and comfort to our lives, and sometimes even beauty. At the same time, it was painful to continue to engage in this invisible labor, whether asleep or awake, as if one’s connection to society had been severed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, I suddenly realized that the feelings that arise in the face of such domestic labor had been at the centre  of life (for many women) even before the Pandemic and the self-restraint that followed.

Our small, individual lives are easily swallowed up by the stormy waves of narratives created by larger forces. But our lives have been and will continue to be, in our hands. Our lives emit a small, faint light. I would like to present these works as a record of the human figure in the atmosphere of the present time, hoping that this faint light of daily life will once again increase its brightness.


27 May. – 5 June. 2022 Opening all day during the exhibition

11:00 – 18:00

27 May. 11:00 – 21:00

5 June. 11:00 – 16:00

Gallery Hayashi

Organised by ART BRIDGE